Long Distant Fiber Optic Cabling thru woods

Long Distant Fiber Optic Cabling thru woods

This week received a call from an existing customer that we helped in the past. The first time they call us, it was fairly urgent, yet a very small job. They had reached out to us, because they had another company running the fiber and terminate the fiber for them, however the fiber did not work. During the troubleshooting process, first thing we did was check for light. Well, it past the light test. Most of the time, you check for light, and it works, it typically work, unless the termination was so bad, that the loss exceeded the recommendation. So, we re-terminated the fiber connectors on both ends, and that was it. The customer are now up and running. Their network is now stable. Now that this customer trust us, they wanted us to help them install a long fiber cable. It was about 1 mile long. 1 mile distant for fiber is typically consider short, however, it is long for us, as we typically do fiber from buildings to buildings, on privately owned property, which most case are short runs. This run has a few challenge. 1st challenge was distant. 2nd challenge was that we had to run it thru the woods with different terrain (land was not level and there were some deep ditch). 3rd challenge was, how do we protect the cable from the element and nature (animals, rodents, etc). Running a conduit and burying it were not feasible. The customer wanted us to just lay it on the ground thru the woods. Our solutions was to go with outdoor, armored, fiber cable. It sounded, simple, however, armored fiber cable 1 mile long is pretty heavy, creating some challenges going thru dense wood with deep ditch. 4th challenge was, the woods were so dense, that we can easily get lost. Our solutions were to use google map, compass, and take our time, and do it in increments 100 feet run at a time.

All in all, we got the job done, and more importantly, we learn by getting outside our comfort zone and explore. The IT business is hard and demand always willing to learn. If you are in the market for an IT company that can help you soft network or cabling infracstructure issues, give us a call. We offer free consultations.


February 2023