Category: Computer & Networking Services
SBS2011 or Server 2008 next step…
Those you you have SBS2011 or Server 2008 or 2008r2, you know that the end of life is coming…which I believe is in 2020. You may have also hear that SBS2011 is the final version for Small Business Server. So, if you are a firm currently using SBS, what’s your next options. You can go…
Are you Planning a Office move?
Are you planning a Office Move? – Hire a IT Professional. Moving an office network can add unforseen costs. As an IT consultant we can insure that moving your network, phone systems, etc. are done in a timly cost effective manner. A well planned out network infastructer at the new location is key to a…
3 Types of Networks
Small to Larges scale business computer network will assist in the interconnect of a group of computer systems for business purposes. This will allow employees to share files over the network with other employees. A network will help in efficiency and productivity. A network can consist of two or more computers, phone systems and other…